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Donation Disclosure (FPPC Form 801)

On 02/07/2023, CCHD received a donation of used office furnishings (desks, tables, chairs, filing cabinets, etc.) from Tatcha LLC, a skincare and beauty products company. The fair market value of the donation was approximately $28,000.00.

Tatcha does not have any regulatory decision, business dealing, or any other matter presently or reasonably anticipated to be pending before any officer, department, or governing body of the District which might be influenced by such donation.

Tatcha explained that it was motivated to make the donation as an expression of support for the District’s mission of public service and stewardship of a treasured Harbor, to be maintained for public recreation and enjoyment.

Pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Section 18944, the reporting form that provides additional details regarding this donation is available at the link below:

FPPC - Form 801 - CCHD.2023.04.19-signed.pdf