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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the County of Del Norte will hold a public hearing to consider the request listed below. All persons are invited to appear and be heard. Comments may be submitted in writing at, or prior to, the hearing. Those wishing to be notified of the final action must submit a written request. Appeals must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors by September 14. 2020. If you challenge the decision of the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. The following project(s) are located within the California Coastal Zone:
*** Amendment to Previously Reviewed Local Coastal Program Amendment for the Harbor Land Use Plan and Zoning - Changes proposed to the previously reviewed Local Coastal Program amendment will be considered since the last public hearing convened in September 2019. These changes include but are not limited to an updated harbor area land use plan boundary, land use programs, and updates to proposed zoning that would cover the harbor area. The County Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors after which the amendment will be reviewed for certification by the California Coastal Commission. - R1805C and GPA1802C - APN 117-020-016, 117-170-011 and 117-180-011 located at the Crescent City Harbor, Crescent City
DATE OF HEARING:    September 2, 2020
TIME OF HEARING:    6:00 p.m.
Please contact the County Planning Division at (707) 464-7254 with any questions.
DATE:    August 21,2020    
Del Norte County Planning Division Community Development Dept.
PUBLISH: August 21, 2020


(At this time, we do not have any futher public announcements for upcoming events.)